Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On weight watchers points diet how long would it take me to lose 14pounds ?

i weigh 130 pounds and im 5'4 , i got o the gym 4 days a weeks for an 2 hours , 1 hour cardio and one hour weights , im going away in 2 weeks for a photoshoot for my band , how much do you reckon i could lose before then ? and how long do you reckon it will take me to lose the 14 pounds on this diet ?On weight watchers points diet how long would it take me to lose 14pounds ?
Hi I think you can lose maybe up to 4.5 pounds in 2 weeks with weight watchers and it might take around 7 weeks to lose 14 pounds. I used this calculator to do it http://answers.yahoo.com/question/answer鈥?/a>On weight watchers points diet how long would it take me to lose 14pounds ?
i lost 8 stone in 6 months on the points diet x

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